
哥伦比亚大学 is excited to announce our 叫作KoalaPASS的质量提升计划. KoalaPASS will significantly change how our new Day College students are advised by doubling the advisors and adding more focused support for the transition to 哥伦比亚大学.


质素提升计划, 简称QEP, is a 5-year plan to improve some aspect of student outcomes. It represents a significant commitment by the College in both time and money. The process for KoalaPASS started in mid-2020, and the plan was submitted to SACSCOC for approval in February of 2022. The final version will be published in May of 2022 for implementation during the summer for new Day College students who start in August of 2022.

  • To institutionalize a system of holistic advising dedicated to student success. \
  • To educate and enable students about the process of self-advocacy and individual responsibility for their success in higher education.
  • Students will achieve measurable progress toward timely completion of academic goals.
  • Students will demonstrate an awareness of academic resources and student support services.
  • Students will regularly communicate with advisors to achieve academic success.


  • QEP主题是如何选定的?
    • The QEP process began in summer 2020 in the Strategic Planning Committee, which selected a broad topic of “Streamlining and Integrating the Student Experience for Holistic Development.” A 13-person Steering Committee of faculty, 工作人员, and students met throughout 2021 and early 2022 to research student needs, 提供建议的最佳做法, 以及与广泛主题相关的策略. Through surveys and focus groups, the Steering Committee refined the topic to its final version.
  • KoalaPASS什么时候开始?
    • 它已经做到了! 2022年春季将进行试点测试.
  • 哪些学生参与其中?
    • All new Day College students who enroll for Fall 2022 and after will be part of the QEP, regardless of the number of credit hours upon first enrolling.
  • 我是一名新生. 我的顾问是如何分配的?
    • Students who declare a major upon enrolling will be assigned a faculty member in their major. Students who have not declared a major upon enrolling will be assigned a member of the faculty based on the total advising load for each faculty member. All students will be assigned to a 工作人员 advisor based on the alphabet.
  • What happens with my advisor if I enroll without a major and then declare one?
    • You will keep the same 工作人员 advisor for at least one year. You will be assigned a faculty advisor in your major who will replace your initial faculty advisor.
  • How will I know which advisor to contact when I have a question?
  • 如果我想换导师怎么办?
    • We always want the student to have the best experience at 哥伦比亚大学. If you would like to talk about changing advisors, please contact Sharon Murphy at 803-786-3722 or smurphy@azarnewsonline.com.
  • What if sometime after my first year, I want to talk to my 工作人员 advisor?
    • 伟大的! One goal of KoalaPASS is to help you build stronger relationships across campus to help you through your path to graduation. Your former advisors are always willing to talk, so feel free to call, email, or stop by anytime.

KoalaPASS 愿景


哥伦比亚大学’s QEP seeks to promote student success by implementing an enhanced and integrated system of academic advising with coordinated efforts to improve utilization of academic resources and student support services.


We have twelve success strategies to support the new students:

  • Adopt a holistic dual advising model for all new students.

  • 聘请额外的成功教练.

  • Increase training of all advisors on the impact of credit hours on housing, 金融援助, 运动资格.

  • 修改导航中的通信流程, 学生保留和参与系统, to enhance pull-strategy notification to the referred support service.

  • Enhance faculty and 工作人员 training on referrals in Navigate.

  • Enhance and require training for adjuncts on using the early-alert system in Navigate.

  • Acquire and implement new advising tools in Jenzabar, the student information system.

  • Train faculty on new advising tools in Jenzabar.

  • Release course schedules four weeks earlier than we currently do.

  • Embed a Student Success Resource Awareness Module into a New Student Advising Portal in Canvas.

  • Embed the Student Success Resource Awareness Module into the LA 100 course.

  • Place a registration hold on new students until they achieve a score of at least 75 percent on a Student Services Awareness Survey within the New Student Advising Portal.


If you would like more information about the QEP, please contact Dr. Jeff Bowe, chair of the QEP Steering Committee, at 803-786-3582 or via email at koalapass@azarnewsonline.com